Book Review- A Broken People’s Playlist by Chimeka Garricks

A broken people’s playlist by Chimeka Garricks 💐. Have you read this book? Let me know what you think in the comments section. 

Set in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, the author takes us through the lives of different characters in this collection of twelve short stories. I lived in Port Harcourt for a short while and so I understand some parts of the story to a great extent.

I love the way the author humanizes the characters; their flaws, their hurts, and traumas, their imperfections as well as their strengths and weaknesses. 

It was a rollercoaster of emotions for me as I read the book and I shed a tear or two as some of the stories are outrightly heartbreaking, it was also heartwarming to see some of the characters mature in future stories.
It’s a 5 star rating for me and I highly recommend this brilliant work. 

#chimekagarricks #abrokenpeoplesplaylist #bookworm #books #bookclubbook #bibliophile



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