sense of humour: nigerian national treasure


Sense of humor: #nigerian national treasure

As always, we are being bullied into silence and people have begun to give up, with hashtags such as #visa #redsea #canada trending on Twitter. Nigerians are a special breed, masking deep pain with a good sense of humor.

Devastated, disappointed, sad, does not come close to describing how I have felt since the national broadcast yesterday. For a moment, I thought there was hope.

Events unfolding in the past days have left me speechless. Poverty is so deep in the system, that with peanuts people are willing to give up the truth and sell their future.

Let us just see how events unfold, but to win this fight, poverty needs to be dealt with, because not everybody will fight on an empty stomach. We can take words to the grassroots as much as we want, educate the old and young, and still not achieve anything because they have created a system where people only care about what goes into their pockets and mouths. 

Money is a very scarce but essential resource needed to make the change we desire in this poverty capital of the world that is fast becoming less than a third world country. Youths have no jobs, children are hungry with no access to quality education, poor healthcare, bad roads, nepotism, and hunger(yet some hoard palliatives)!.

God bless NIGERIA!


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