Body shaming: the new compliment.

x Body shaming is not just a fancy word. It is what you do when you constantly feel a need to refer to someone's bodily fault and imperfections, whether as a joke or not. Although, it refers to physical appearance. It affects both physical and mental wellbeing and it may alter the way people see themselves. People body shame others without realizing they have done so. I find it offensive when people feel a need to constantly remind you of flaws that you are well aware of. Sometimes you want to look them in the face and tell them bruh, it is none of your business!! They say things like: "you look so fat" or "look at your thin legs", like what are you talking about, I am not in this world to please you, your opinion does not even matter to me, so, just shut up! Sometimes, you just want to be emotional, breakdown, and cry in front of people to make them see that you have been trying to keep in shape. You run every morning and evening, you have not even taken your...